
First , it's me!

Two days ago , I read up a review of First things First, it's Stephen Covey's book ,it 's my last shot to get myself, work, and relations together  after messy situation, that was a wake up call for me, learning me more about myself  , what I give to others ,what I deserve, where I was wrong , and when I took the right decision.

This review shed the light on amazing way to live , love ,learn and leave legacy, through leadership life , I think we don't learn enough in our community to do our role with balance and harmony, always we  are unsatisfied , don't have an empowering mission statement that give our life the sense of meaning , so I think if you don't know how to  rearrange your messy life , if you focus on one role of life : worker ,or student , or father, or lover , It will be your guide to have more peace and harmony with mutli-tasks and roles .

And these are most lovely and wise quotes , I fall in love with it and you will :)

-We are not in control of our lives. We can choose to let our daily life be governed by principles, rather than a clock.

- Leading a principle-centered life means not taking any shortcuts or quick fixes. You must follow a path that focuses on why you are doing things rather than how fast or efficiently you are getting things done.

- Somewhere between your personal vision and daily actions, a gap is created between what you feel you should be doing and what you are actually accomplishing.

-It takes a crisis to make some people realize what we're doing with our time and what we feel is important don't match

-What you sow you inevitably reap

- With the humility that comes from being principle-centered, we're empowered to learn from the past, have hope for the future, act with confidence in the present.

- It's easy to say "no" when there's a deeper "yes" burning inside.

- It's not enough to have values without vision. You want to be good for something.

-Always remember to connect to your mission, review your roles, identify your goals, organize the week, put the important Quadrant II goals in first, then schedule other things around them. Exercise integrity in the moment of choice, and evaluate your weeks so they become an upward spiral of learning and living.

- It’s not about who is right, but what is right

-Don't see your role in terms of tasks to do but in terms of people to help, nurture, care for, or train.

you can download the review of First things First book "here" http://www.mediafire.com/?e5cozpl9zvm4zc7


1 comment:

  1. gr8 review of a review :D
    i liked this the most
    "It's not enough to have values without vision. You want to be good for something."
